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Batching Plant Concrete Typy C

Brief Description
Concrete Batching Plant
Plant Capaeing :60~270m³ / n
1.commercial cocrete plant project plant
Technical Data Product Description
Commercial Ready Mix Concrete Batching Plant Configuration
No. Description unit model & configuration
HZS60 HZS90 HZS120 HZS180 HZS200 HZS240 HZS270
selectable plant type A A,C A, B, C A, B, C, E A, B, C, E C, E C, E
1 work cycle s 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
2 theoretical efficiency m³/h 60 90 120 180 200 240 270
3 mixer JS1000 JS1500 JS2000 JS3000 JS3500 JS4000 JS4500
4 charge/discharge Volume L 1600L/1000L 2250L/1500L 3000L/2000L 4500L/3000L 5000L/3500L 5500L/4000L 6000L/4500L
5 discharging height mm 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100
6 aggregates weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-1500/±1% 0-2100/±1% 0-3600/±1% 0-3600/±1% 0-4000/±1% 0-5500/±1% 0-5500/±1%
7 powder weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-600/±1% 0-900/±1% 0-1200/±1% 0-1800/±1% 0-2200/±1% 0-2500/±1% 0-2500/±1%
8 water weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-200/±1% 0-300/±1% 0-400/±1% 0-600/±1% 0-600/±1% 0-800/±1% 0-800/±1%
9 additive weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-40/±1% 0-40/±1% 0-60/±1% 0-80/±1% 0-80/±1% 0-100/±1% 0-100/±1%
10 powder silo t 2×100 4×100 4×150 4×200 4×250 4×300 4×300
11 screw conveyor mm 2×φ219 4×φ219 4×φ273 4×φ273 4×φ325 4×φ325 2×φ325+2×φ426
12 inclined belt conveyor power kw 30 30 37 45 55 75 75
13 inclined belt width mm B800 B800 B1000 B1000 B1000 B1200 B1200
14 aggregate storage type underground bin underground bin underground bin underground bin underground bin underground bin underground bin
15 aggregate storage bin volume 4×40 4×40 4×50 4×50 4×50 4×70 4×70
16 weighing method Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing
17 horizontal belt conveyor power kw 4 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.5 7.5
18 horizontal belt width mm B800 B800 B1000 B1000 B1000 B1200 B1200
19 powder silo dust collector 16㎡ silo top dust collector 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room
20 liquid supply 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines
21 air compressor displacememt m³/min 1.6 1.6 2 2 2 2 2
Note: 1. All data listed in above table is just for refernce. They may be revised without prior notice and  subject to final design. Plz confirm before order
2. Above prices do not include cost of installing, commissioning, training at site.
3. powder materials density as per 1.35t/m3.
4. A tpye plant adopt "silo top dust collector"; B, C, E type plant adopt "central dust collector"

Construction Project Site Type Ready Mix Concrete Batching Plant Configuration
No. Description unit model & configuration
selectable plant type A A, C A, C A,C
1 work cycle s 60 60 60 60
2 theoretical efficiency m³/h 60 90 120 180
3 mixer JS1000 JS1500 JS2000 JS3000
4 charge/discharge volume L 1600L/1000L 2250L/1500L 3000L/2000L 4500L/3000L
5 discharging height mm 4100 4100 4100 4100
6 aggregates weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-1500/±1% 0-2100/±1% 0-3600/±1% 0-3600/±1%
7 powder material weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-600/±1% 0-900/±1% 0-1200/±1% 0-1800/±1%
8 water weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-200/±1% 0-300/±1% 0-400/±1% 0-600/±1%
9 additive weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-40/±1% 0-40/±1% 0-60/±1% 0-80/±1%
10 powder material silo t 2×100 4×100 4×150 4×200
11 screw conveyor mm 2×φ219 4×φ219 2×φ219+2×φ273 2×φ219+2×φ273
12 inclined belt conveyor power kw 30 30 37 45
13 inclincd belt width mm B800 B800 B1000 B1000
14 aggregate storage type Steel Structure Steel Structure Steel Structure Steel Structure
15 aggregate storage volume 4×17 4×17 4×17 4×17
16 aggregate weighing method Addition Weighing Addition Weighing Addition Weighing Addition Weighing
17 horizontal belt conveyor power kw 4 5.5 5.5 5.5
18 horizontal belt width mm B800 B1000 B1000 B1000
19 powder silo dust colloctor type 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room 32㎡ central dust collector room
20 liquid feeding line 1 water line + 1 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 3 additive lines 1 water line + 4 additive lines
21 air compressor displacement m³/min 1.6 1.6 2 2
Note: 1. All data listed in above table is just for refernce. They may be revised without prior notice and  subject to final design. Plz confirm before order
2. powder materials density as per 1.35t/m3.
3. the plant can be foudantion free at additional cost

Special Purpose Concrete Batching Plant Configuration
No Description unit model & configuration
mobile plant YHJ50 mobile plant YHJ60 mobile plant YHJ75 dry concrete batching plant GHJ50 dry concrete batching plant GHJ80 dry concrete batching plant GHJ100
1 theoretical efficiency m³/h 50 60 75 50 80 100
2 mixer JS1000 JS1500 JS2000 —— —— ——
3 charge/discharge volume L 1600L/1000L 2250L/1500L 3000L/2000L —— —— ——
4 discharging height mm 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100
5 aggregate weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-1500/±1% 0-2100/±1% 0-3600/±1% 0-10000/±1% 0-16000/±1% 0-20000/±1%
6 powder material weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-600/±1% 0-900/±1% 0-1200/±1% 0-4500/±1% 0-6500/±1% 0-8000/±1%
7 water weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-200/±1% 0-300/±1% 0-400/±1% flow metering flow metering flow metering
8 additive weighing range/accuracy Kg 0-40/±1% 0-40/±1% 0-60/±1% flow metering flow metering flow metering
9 powder material silo t 2×100 2×100 3×150 2×100 2×100 2×100
10 screwe conveyor mm 2×φ219 2×φ219 3×φ219 2×φ219+φ273 2×φ219+φ273 2×φ219+φ273
11 inclined belt conveyor power kw 18.5 22 37 18.5 22 37
12 inclined belt width mm B800 B800 B1000 B500 B800 B1000
13 aggregate storage type steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin
14 aggregate stroage volume 2×9 2×9 2×12 4×12 4×12 4×12
15 aggregate weighing method Addition Weighing Addition Weighing Addition Weighing Addition Weighing Addition Weighing Addition Weighing
16 horizontal blet conveyor power kw 4 5.5 5.5 7.5 11 15
17 horizontal belt width mm B800 B100 B1000 B500 B800 B1000
18 powder silo dust collector type silo top dust collector 16㎡ silo top dust collector 16㎡ silo top dust collector 16㎡ silo top dust collector 16㎡ silo top dust collector 16㎡ silo top dust collector 16㎡
19 liquid feeding line 1 water line + 1 additive line 1 water line + 1 additive line 1 water line + 1 additive line 1 water line + 1 additive line 1 water line + 1 additive line 1 water line + 1 additive line
20 air compressor displacement m³/min 1.6 1.6 2 1.6 1.6 1.6
Note: 1. All data listed in above table is just for refernce. They may be revised without prior notice and  subject to final design. Plz confirm before order
2. Above prices do not include cost of installing, commissioning, training at site.
3. powder materials density as per 1.35t/m3.

Dry Mortar Batching Plant Configuration
No. Description unit Cofiguration and Model
GS20 Dry Mortar Batching Plant GS40 Dry Mortar Batching Plant GS60 Dry Mortar Batching Plant GS80 Dry Mortar Batching Plant TS10 Special Mortar Batching Plant TS20 Special Mortar Batching Plant SB60 Wet Mortar Batching Plant SB90 Wet Mortar Batching Plant SB120 Wet Mortar Batching Plant
1 Theoretical Production t/h 20 40 60 80 10 20 60 90 120
2 Annual Production x104Ton 10 20 30 40 6 10
3 mixer model WZ4 WZ6 WZ10 WZ12 WZ2 WZ4 JS1000 JS1500 JS2000
4 mixing volume 2—2.4 3—3.6 5—6 6—7.2 1—2 2—2.4 1600L/1000L 2250L/1500L 3000L/2000L
5 Dry sand silo Nos & Qty 3×100 3×140 3×140 3×200
6 powder silo Nos & Qty 3×80 3×80 3×120 3×120 2×80 2×80 2×100 4×100 4×150
7 Product storage bin Nos & Qty 2×70 2×70 2×70 2×40
8 additive silo Nos & Qty 2×1 2×1 2×1 2×1 4×1 4×1 2×1 2×1 2×1
9 sand weighing range & accuracy Kg 0-4000±2% 0-4000±2% 0-5000±2% 0-6000±2% 0-2500±2% 0-4000±2% 0-1500/±1% 0-2100/±1% 0-3600/±1%
10 powder weighing range & accuracy Kg 0-1200±1% 0-1200±1% 0-1500±1% 0-1800±1% 0-800±1% 0-1200±1% 0-600/±1% 0-900/±1% 0-1200/±1%
11 dryer capacity t/h 15-25 30-40 50-60 70-80
12 dry sand lift capacity t/h 15-25 30-40 50-60 70-80 10—20 15—25
13 product lift capacity t/h 30-40 50-60 80-100 100-120
14 packing capacity and Nos t/h 2×10 2×10 2×10 2×10 2×10 2×10 —— —— ——
15 bulk charging outlet height mm 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4100 4100 4100
16 pre-set bulk loading density t/m³ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 —— —— ——
17 dust emmission standard mg/m³ ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100 ≤80—100
18 wet sand screening —— —— —— —— —— ——
19 other accessories —— —— —— —— —— —— same as construction Project Site Plant
Note: 1. All data listed in above table is just for refernce. They may be revised without prior notice and  subject to final design. Plz confirm before order
2. Above prices do not include cost of installing, commissioning, training at site.
3. powder materials density as per 1.35t/m3.
Concrete Batching Plant Configuration
No. Description unit tower type batching plant model & configuration pipe pile batching plant model & configuration
HLS120 HLS180 HLS200 HLS240 HLS270 HGS90 HGS120 HGS180
1 work cycly s 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
2 theoretical efficiency m³/h 120 180 200 240 270 90 120 180
3 main mixer JS2000 JS3000 JS3500 JS4000 JS4500 JS1500 JS2000 JS3000
4 charge/discharge volume L 3000L/2000L 4500L/3000L 5000L/3500L 5500L/4000L 6000L/4500L 2250L/1500L 3000L/2000L 4500L/3000L
5 discharge height mm 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100 4100
6 aggregate weighing range & accuracy Kg 0-3600/±1% 0-3600/±1% 0-4000/±1% 0-5500/±1% 0-5500/±1% 0-2100/±1% 0-3600/±1% 0-3600/±1%
7 powder weighing range & accuracy Kg 0-1200/±1% 0-1800/±1% 0-2200/±1% 0-2500/±1% 0-2500/±1% 0-900/±1% 0-1200/±1% 0-1800/±1%
8 water weighing range & accuracy Kg 0-400/±1% 0-600/±1% 0-600/±1% 0-800/±1% 0-800/±1% 0-300/±1% 0-400/±1% 0-600/±1%
9 additive weighing range & accuracy Kg 0-60/±1% 0-80/±1% 0-80/±1% 0-100/±1% 0-100/±1% 0-40/±1% 0-60/±1% 0-80/±1%
10 aggeregate bin 4×80 4×80 4×100 4×100 4×120 —— —— ——
11 powder silo t 4×150 4×200 4×250 4×300 4×300 4×100 4×150 4×200
12 screw conveyor mm 4×φ273 4×φ273 4×φ325 4×φ325 2×φ325+2×φ426 4×φ219 4×φ273 4×φ273
13 inclined belt conveyor power kw 45 45 55 55 55 30 37 45
14 inclined belt width mm B800 B800 B1000 B1000 B1000 B800 B1000 B1000
15 aggregate storage type steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin steel structure bin underground bin underground bin underground bin
16 aggregate bin capacity 1×17 1×17 1×17 1×17 1×17 4×40 4×50 4×50
17 aggregate weighing method —— —— —— —— —— Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing Subtraction Weighing
18 horizontal belt conveyor power kw —— —— —— —— —— 5.5 5.5 5.5
19 horizontal belt width mm —— —— —— —— —— B800 B1000 B1000
20 material divider set —— —— —— —— —— 2×2m³ 2×2.5m³ 2×3.8m³
21 material distributor set —— —— —— —— —— 4×1m³ 6×1m³ 8×1m³
22 powder silo dust collector central dust collector 36㎡ central dust collector 36㎡ central dust collector 36㎡ central dust collector 36㎡ central dust collector 36㎡ central dust collector 32㎡ central dust collector 36㎡ central dust collector 36㎡
23 liqid feeding 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines 1 water line + 2 additive lines
24 air compressor displacement m³/min 2 2 2 2 2 1.6 2 2
Note: 1. All data listed in above table is just for refernce. They may be revised without prior notice and  subject to final design. Plz confirm before order
2. Above prices do not include cost of installing, commissioning, training at site.
3. powder materials density as per 1.35t/m3.

Batching Plant Equipments Configuration List
No. Description unit concrete mixer remark
JS1000 JS1500 JS2000 JS3000 JS3500 JS4000 JS4500
1 charge/discharge vol. L 1600L/1000L 2250L/1500L 3000L/2000L 4500L/3000L 5000L/3500L 5500L/4000L 6000L/4500L
2 motor power kw 2×18.5 2×30 2×37 2×55 2×55 2×75 2×75
3 mixing arm Nos. 10 12 16 20 20 22 24
4 Max.aggregate size mm ≤60 ≤80 ≤80 ≤100 ≤100 ≤100 ≤100
No. Description unit belt conveyor remark
JyⅡ 500 JyⅡ 650 JyⅡ 800 JyⅡ 1000 JyⅡ 1200 JYⅡ500/JYⅡ650 are horizontally installed, usual length 15m:
JyⅡ800/JyⅡ1000/JyⅡ1200 incline installed, usual length 40m, inclined angle 22°
1 motor power kw 5.5 5.5 30 45 55
2 belt spec. mm B500×6(3+1.5) B650×6(3+1.5) B800×6(3+1.5) B1000×6(3+1.5) B1200×6(3+1.5)
3 frame type single beam single beam frame type frame type frame type
4 conveying efficiency t/h 200 300 400 500 800
No. Description unit bucket lift remark
NE50 NE100 NE150 NE200 TH400 TH500 NE series lifting height 20m;
TH series lifting height 10m.
1 motor power kw 11 15 18.5 45 7.5 11
2 chain wheel speed m/s 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.8 1.8
3 efficiency t/h 60 110 165 220 68 96
No. Description unit aggregates seperator Description dirty water stirring Description truck washing platform
1 max. aggregate size mm 60/80 60/80 motor power 5.5 kw 7.5kw washing pressure 2-3kg/c㎡ 2-3kg/c㎡
2 motor power kw 5.5 7.5 mixing speed 34 r/min 34r/min power 5.5kw 2×5.5kw
3 capacity m³/h 20 40 mixing capacity 14m³ 26m³ washing time 0-60s 0-60s
No. Description unit dust collector Description mist spraying dust depositor
DMD16 DMD32 DMD36 DMD84 DMD788 JWC40 JWC60
1 filter area 6 24 29 84 788 spray range 20-25 m 35-45 m
2 filter bag length & Nos m 16×1 32×2 36×2 84×2 788×2 flow 16-19 L/min 41-50 L/min
3 treatable air volume m³/h 600 2300 2780 8000 75600 partical size 30-200 μm 30-200 μm
4 filter air speed m/min 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 tilt angle `-10°—45° `-10°—45°
Note: All data listed in above table is just for refernce. They may be revised without prior notice and  subject to final design. Plz confirm before order

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